How Oils Enter the Body

Essential oils can be used in three different ways:
aromatically, topically, and internally.
Aromatic: when a person inhales essential oils through their nose and olfactory nerves, it provides a direct and immediate connection to the brain through the olfactory system. It acts on the limbic system of the brain, where emotions and memories are housed. This exerts a rapid effect (think about the rapid effects of anesthetic gases).
Topical: as the body's largest organ, the skin is an important delivery system of chemicals to the bloodstream, for better or for worse (in the case of dangerous chemicals). Essential oils are lightweight and fat soluble. They absorb through our skin via pores and hair shafts.
Internal: While in the past essential oils have only been used topically and aromatically, more recent research from scientists and clinicians has revealed that many essential oils can be utilized safely and effectively by ingestion. For example, we routinely ingest essential oils from certain foods, such as herbs (basil, rosemary, and peppermint) and citrus fruits. Due to their chemistry, some oils, including wintergreen and eucalyptus, are never safe to ingest in any amount.
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